Someone apologized to me last week because she hasn't been reading the Couch lately. I had to chuckle because I haven't been writing on the Couch lately! My brain and my energy have been elsewhere. What can I say? mia culpa.
The school I helped found - George Washington Academy - has exploded in numbers! Our waiting list is now larger than our current enrollment. Our chartering district is building us a new school and we will be opening our doors to more students next fall.
I have had a tough decision to make: stay in the classroom or in the office. I can't continue to be a full time teacher and the principal at the same time. In many ways, it has nearly "done 'er in" as Liza Doolittle would say. I really buckled under the pressure last fall, I am sorry to say. I am doing better this spring, but only because I am being more protective of my time and energy. As we get ready for the new year, I have to wear my Principal's hat more often. I became smart out of necessity and have hired a sub for one day a week from now until school is out so that I can work from home and focus on just being Dr. D. the Administrator, not Dr. D., the do everything for everybody. I've had to learn to delegate.
I've also had to become protective of my personal life. A few people have intruded into my personal life and my professional life - mixing the two up, essentially. It's as if they feel an entitlement to pass judgment since I am now a quasi-public figure in my little community. After a lot of tears, I nipped that in the bud and developed an I'm not going to worry about what they think attitude. There is nothing going on in my personal life that I wouldn't openly welcome of the Savior Himself to visit. As long as He is not judging me, then why do other people feel they have the right to do so? Right now I am happy; I am productive in my work; I am productive in my home; I am helping others as I feel called upon by the Spirit. 'Nuff said!
I have just completed the second draft of next year's calendar and bell schedule. I'm just waiting for district approval to move forward. I have to begin interviewing new teachers right after Easter. I need to prepare a student/teacher handbook and a new teacher handbook. I need to calendar new teacher training. I need to oversee the physical placement of the modular building on our new school site. I need to order curriculum and materials. I need prayers! Philippians 4:13, for goodness sake!