Feeling contemplative lately and a little sad. Christmas is coming, but it still seems like it should be July. I haven't felt this way since Carmon died over 32 years ago.
On July 17th, I lost one of my best friends. He didn't die but was stolen from me by a drug. To say that I miss him would be an understatement. I still pray for him every day, but I know he has his agency and even God won't interfere with that, no matter how much the people who love him pray.
Last Christmas was a wonderful season. We were a family. This year feels so empty. Sometimes I can hardly catch my breath for the sorrow I feel. I can't even talk to him. I can't wish him a merry Christmas. I can't give him a gift. All I can do is cry and pray and cry some more and he doesn't even know it. He thinks he was "just a project" to me. He is so much more than that. I love him because Christ loves him.
I am so sad that he doesn't feel either love.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
It has been a long time since I have posted on my blog. Last February, I was approached by a group of friends who were passionately concerned about their children's education. As a result, my business partner and I founded a charter school. George Washington Academy is a back-to-basics school where we still pledge allegiance to the flag, sing patriotic songs, teach handwriting, teach phonics and a sequential math that doesn't muddy the waters. We have science, history, geography, and other social studies in an integrated, thematic format. Our sixty-five children are happy and are learning.
I am the principal, school counselor, and I teach a class of fourteen fifth graders, five sixth graders, and two seventh graders.
Needless to say, by the end of the day, I am beyond tired. After all, I am seventy years old! The children wear me out yet fill my well so completely that I love each and every one of them.
I am truly blessed.
I am the principal, school counselor, and I teach a class of fourteen fifth graders, five sixth graders, and two seventh graders.
Needless to say, by the end of the day, I am beyond tired. After all, I am seventy years old! The children wear me out yet fill my well so completely that I love each and every one of them.
I am truly blessed.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Call Me a Prophetess
I was cleaning out my e-files and found this document. I wrote it the day after the Presidential Election in 2012. Call me a prophetess.
My predictions for a
second Obama term:
Israel will fight back against Iran and other radical
Islamic nations and the entire world will turn on Israel. Israel knows she must defend her existence
alone. The USA is no longer her ally. I think she’s shown restraint up to now hoping
for a Romney victory. I only hope that
when that happens, it will usher in Armageddon and Christ will come because I
think that’s the only real hope for us now.
Obama will invoke executive privilege more often until
Congress is emasculated so as to be non-existent. The balance of power our founding fathers
gave us will be gone. The Constitution won’t have a thread to hang by. The country will be run by the unholy
trinity: Obama, Pelosi, and Reid; and the even more unholy powers (and money)
behind them.
Gas prices will skyrocket.
Taxes will go up. Inflation will
run rampant.
The national debt will continue to skyrocket with no budget
and no concern for the future. Taxes
will go up.
Small businesses will continue to fail. Unemployment will continue to grow. Regulatory agencies will spin even more out
of control.
More people will be on welfare, unemployment, and food
stamps than ever before.
Islamic nations will continue to be appeased and terrorist
attacks will increase. There will be
more violence in the streets of America as people become more afraid.
The conservative media will be driven underground and the
only “truth” the American people will hear is the party line from the White
House. The heinous cover-up on Benghazi
is just the beginning.
In my house, I will serve the Lord. I will prepare my home as a place of
refuge. As Christians, we are going to
have to band together for mutual support.
I will continue to pray for my country because I love her, but I believe
God will withdraw His hand from America.
This people have chosen taking God’s name from the platform, public
buildings, and the public meetings. They
have chosen abortion, gay marriage, legalized marijuana, and assisted
suicide. They have chosen to spend more
than they make. They have chosen to
throw Israel under the bus and God said in the Old Testament that any nation
that fights against Israel will be punished.
I think that the scripture is still true and God will not be mocked.
I hope my children love me enough to take care of me when I
can no longer do so myself because under Obamacare, I will be disposable when I
get old. It will be cheaper for them to
give me the suicide pill – which I will refuse to take. So when they take away my pension and my
Social Security and my Medicare because I am a drain on society, I am counting
on you, Kids!
Here are my thoughts: Romney is a godly and prayerful
man. He would have been our best hope to
pull us back from the brink. An ancient
civilization had the same experience we had last night. They, too, were a government by the
people. As long as the people of that
nation were faithful to God, they prospered.
But as soon as they turned their back on God, their government became
corrupt. Here’s how it was described at
the time: Helaman
5: 2:
“For as their laws and their governments were established by the voice
of the people, and they who those evil were more numerous than they who chose
good, therefore they were ripening for destruction, for the laws had become
People don’t realize that they were not voting for a man: they were
voting for a set of professed values.
Romney’s values were reflected in his platform – God firmly in place as
our country’s center; protect the sanctity of life from the womb forward;
marriage between one man and one woman; fiscal responsibility; support Israel –
just to name the key ones for me. Then
there is the democratic platform – take the name of God out of any reference
(can’t even say God-given – yes, I know they put it back under protest, but the
people on the convention floor booed when they did); support gay marriage;
continued support for Roe vs. Wade (abortion); government dictating to
religious institutions that they have to pay for birth control and abortion in
their insurance plans, even though that is against their faith. And the American people chose the Godless
ideals last night. I pray for this
country and for Israel. I think the road
to Armageddon has been paved, for Israel will defend herself despite us. Obama has already thrown her under the
bus. Oh, and by the way, the ancient
people I mentioned? When they chose evil
over good, God withdrew His hand from their nation. Eventually they were destroyed – wiped off
the face of the earth as a people. A
cautionary tale for us all.
12 ¶And this
shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite
all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume
away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in
their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.
13 And it shall
come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them; and they shall
lay hold everyone on the hand of his neighbor, and his hand shall rise up
against the hand of his neighbor.
¶And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the
nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship
the King,
the Lord of hosts,
I pray for the
Savior to come and save us from ourselves.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Sunday, Sweet Sunday
There is a song from the musical Flower Drum Song with this lyric:
Sunday, sweet Sunday, with nothing to do.
Lazy, and loving; my one day with you.
I don't have a special someone to have the one day with, but I am looking forward to a day of rest. I have been working almost non-stop for weeks so that our new school, George Washington Academy, can open tomorrow. I've always had faith that we would make despite the apprehension of others and the critique of naysayers. In the end, everyone pulled together and went the extra mile and we are ready.
Tomorrow, I stand before my own fifth and sixth grade class for the first time since 1985. All prayers appreciated!
Today, I will rest.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Jayne Eyre
To say it's been awhile since I've posted would be the queen of understatements. I have been so busy getting ready for my new school to open that I've rarely had one minute to myself. Needless to say, today I won't be wordy.
I had insomnia last night, so at 3:00 A.M. I was on Facebook. My sister posted one of those online tests that are fun to take. This one was called "Which Gothic Character Are You?" My sis had tested out Dracula, which I found interesting. I decided to take the test just for fun.
My character was Jane Eyre. It's been so many years since I've read Jane Eyre that I don't identify with her, but the test description of why I am like her was spot on:
Beneath your calm exterior a storm is building. You know it and secretly you're afraid of it but you won't allow that to distract you from doing what you believe to be the right thing. You are resourceful and intelligent, both of which leave you with a feeling of alienation from your peers.
Hmmmmmm. Am I that transparent?
I had insomnia last night, so at 3:00 A.M. I was on Facebook. My sister posted one of those online tests that are fun to take. This one was called "Which Gothic Character Are You?" My sis had tested out Dracula, which I found interesting. I decided to take the test just for fun.
My character was Jane Eyre. It's been so many years since I've read Jane Eyre that I don't identify with her, but the test description of why I am like her was spot on:
Beneath your calm exterior a storm is building. You know it and secretly you're afraid of it but you won't allow that to distract you from doing what you believe to be the right thing. You are resourceful and intelligent, both of which leave you with a feeling of alienation from your peers.
Hmmmmmm. Am I that transparent?
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Dancing in the Rain
President Thomas S. Monson introduced this year's 184th General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by describing the recent dedication of the newest temple in Gilbert, AZ. As with all recent dedication, the young men and women, ages 12 to 18, in the temple district delivered a beautiful cultural celebration of music and dance.
Arizona has been experiencing a significant drought and the Latter-day Saints have prayed many months for rain. Those prayers were answered as it began to rain heavily just as the program started and continued to pour throughout the hour and a half presentation. That didn't dampen the spirits of the youth as they sang and danced in the pouring rain.
How often in life do we pray for a specific blessing and wonder if our prayers have been heard? God does answer prayers in His own time and in His own ways. Often our adversities are really blessing in disguise, prayers answered by a loving Heavenly Father.
I hope I will always have the spiritual faith and maturity to dance in my rains.
Text copyright April 2014, Gebara Education
Picture of youth dancing in the rain from www.deseretnews.com
Monday, April 7, 2014
Covenent Experiences ~ Baptism
President Henry B. Eyring
First Counselor in the First Presidency
President Eyring quoted two favorite passages of scripture relating to the covenant of baptism. One was from the 18th chapter of the Book of Mosiah in the Book of Mormon:
And it came to pass after many days there were a goodly number gathered together at the place of Mormon, to hear the words of Alma. Yea, all were gathered together that believed on his word, to hear him. And he did teach them, and did preach unto them repentance, and redemption, and faith on the Lord.
And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—
Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?
And now when the people had heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: This is the desire of our hearts. (verses 7 - 11)
The other was from the Doctrine and Covenants which outlines the responsibility of parents to prepare their children for the covenant of baptism:
And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents. For this shall be a law unto the inhabitants of Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized. And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands. And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord. (D & C 68: 25-28)
I chose the picture to the right because it reminded me of my youngest son's baptism. He was baptized by his older brother and confirmed by his oldest brother while his father and grandfather stood in the circle. It was a wonderful day, made more so by the fact that his father died in a terrible accident just two weeks later.
That son has left the faith, although his does teach his children to pray and walk uprightly before the Lord as a non-denominational Christian. The brother who baptized him has been active. The brother that confirmed him and his sister have both struggled. Some of my grandchildren have been taught. 9 have been baptized, one at age 18. Only 2 of these is still active in keeping and renewing this covenant.
Did I do as good a job as I could have in preparing my own children for the covenant of baptism? I probably did the best that I could given my knowledge and circumstances at the time. Could I have done better? Yes, without question. I struggle with that as I look at my inactive children and grandchildren. It is so easy to feel as if I have somehow failed them.
That son has left the faith, although his does teach his children to pray and walk uprightly before the Lord as a non-denominational Christian. The brother who baptized him has been active. The brother that confirmed him and his sister have both struggled. Some of my grandchildren have been taught. 9 have been baptized, one at age 18. Only 2 of these is still active in keeping and renewing this covenant.
Did I do as good a job as I could have in preparing my own children for the covenant of baptism? I probably did the best that I could given my knowledge and circumstances at the time. Could I have done better? Yes, without question. I struggle with that as I look at my inactive children and grandchildren. It is so easy to feel as if I have somehow failed them.
Since I don't own a time machine, I cannot go back and do it over. I'm not sure I would want to relive those years. The only thing I can do is to live true to my own covenant promises and renew them every week as I partake of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. I try to set an example of a Christian disciple's walk in everything I do. I pray for them all. I answer questions when they ask and bear my testimony to them when moved upon by the Holy Spirit.
I am open and willing if the Spirit should ask that I do more.
I am open and willing if the Spirit should ask that I do more.
Text copyright April 2014, Gebara Education
Pictures from www.lds.org
Back-to-the-Future from www.hollywood.com
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Know Who You Are and Be Not Distracted
Linda K Burton
WHAT?Sister Burton talked about being true disciples of Jesus Christ by serving others. She told the parable of the rich young man who could not give up the things of the world to follow the Savior. She then told of the prophet, Mormon, who boldly declared: "I am a disciple of the Lord, Jesus Christ" even though he lived in one of the most wicked times in his people's history. She said: "Mormon knew who he was and was not distracted.
So many of us don't know who we are. We forget that it is in our divine nature to nurture and love as the Savior loved. We belittle ourselves and we become distracted by the things of this world. Like Martha, there are things that need to be done. But like Mary, there are also times to be still and know that He is God. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I must remember that Jesus loved both women. There is a time to be Martha, but there is a time to be Mary as well.
I need to slow down. I need to pray more. I need to listen more. I need to be more patient. I need to serve more.
I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I will not be distracted!
Text copyright April 2014, Gebara Education
Picture from www.lds.org
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Rejoice in Our Divine Differentness.
Bonnie L. Oscarson
We cannot call ourselves Christians and continue to judge others and ourselves so harshly. (Patricia Holland)If there are barriers, it is because we have created them. We must stop looking for our differences and look for what we have in common.
We need to not only love each other more but love each other better.
We need to rejoice in our divine differentness.
I don't know why we as women have a tendency to compare ourselves to one another and judge ourselves inferior. I have surely done so. It is true that there are women who are prettier than I; there are also women who are less pretty. There are women who are more intelligent than I and women who are less intelligent. There are women who are healthier than I and others who are less healthy. All of this begs the question: why should any of that matter?
I am the spiritual sister of every girl and woman on earth because we share a Heavenly Father. That should be enough. I have been learning this lesson every day for more than a year now as my youngest birth sister has been living with me. I have learned the truth of the statement, if there are barriers, it is because we have created them. It is amazing what you can accomplish if you allow the Lord to help you take down those barriers and see more clearly.
I will continue to take down barriers between myself and others and rejoice in our divine differentness with love.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Protect; Prepare; Empower
YW General President Rosemary Wixom
Keeping covenants protects us; prepares us; and empowers us.
Sister Wixom asked all of the girls, ages 8 through 11, to stand. She hummed 3 notes of a Primary song and the girls began to sing it, having recognized it from only 3 notes:
Teach me to walk in the light of His love;
Teach me to pray to my father above;
Teach me to know of the things that are right;
Teach me, teach me to walk in the light.
The older women then responded:
Come little child and together we'll learn
Of His commandments that we may return
Home to His presence to live in His sight
Always, always, we'll walk in the light.
The first covenant I made was at the age of eight when I was baptized a for the remission of sin and to enter into Christ's Church and Kingdom. As an older woman - mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother - I have a responsibility to share my testimony of covenant keeping with women younger than myself. Covenant keeping has protected me and will continue to do so as long as I live. Covenants have empowered me as they have kept me safely on the Lord's side of the fence.

I have tried to teach by precept and example my daughter, granddaughters, and now great-granddaughters. Sometimes I have succeeded. Sometimes, I have fallen short. I need to be more valiant in sharing my testimony of the importance of making and keeping covenants. Another Primary song says in part:
Keep the commandments.
Keep the commandments.
In this there is safety; in this there is peace . . .
I must let my younger women know that I know that!
Keeping baptismal covenants prepare us to make and keep temple covenant. These, in turn, prepare us for eternal life.
As I take the sacrament each week, I renew my baptismal covenant, promising again that I will always remember Jesus and will keep the commandments which He has given.
I also interact with younger women and girls in my Church family. I need to share my testimony with them in all times and in all places and in all circumstances.
I need to not be caught up in the thick of thin things!
Text copyright March 2014, Gebara Education
Covenant Keepers from www.bellafaithdesigns.com
Baptism and Confirmation from www.lds.org
Covenant keepers from www.pinterst.com
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Last night, we had a wonderful General Women's Meeting in conjunction with our semi-annual conference which will be held next weekend. I loved last night's meeting. One recurring theme involved covenants. I have been wanting to write about covenants for some time and now I have a solid reason to do so.
A covenant is a promise between
God and man. It is most sacred.
Covenants are two-way promises.
God promises great blessings but He expects us to keep our part of the promise.
The Old Testament records many such covenants. The key covenants recorded in the
Book of Mormon are related to the
covenants God made with His people in Old Testament times. Understanding Biblical covenants helps us
understand Book of Mormon covenants
and again place the Book of Mormon in
the larger context of Holy Writ.
Adam and Eve
While the Book of Genesis doesn’t use the word covenant when speaking of Adam and Eve, there is an implicit
covenant at work. After partaking of the
forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve became mortal.
They understood the difference between good and evil. Prior to the fall, they could not have
entered into a covenant with God because they were as innocent as a newborn
child. But after the fall, they were
able to be held accountable and capable of making covenants with God.
God’s part of the covenant as recorded
in the third chapter of Genesis sounds more like a punishment than a covenant
and most of the world interprets it as such.
But a prayerful reading of the text clearly points to promises and even
blessings. To Eve, He promises
conception and childbirth. The world
sees the word sorrow and thinks: curse. But God is giving Eve a
tremendous gift – the ability to become a co-creator with Him in providing
mortal bodies for His spiritual children.
God gave to Eve the promise of Motherhood.
To Adam, God promised toil –
weeds instead of fruit. But the key word
that this is a blessing and not a cursing is found in these words of verse 17:
“for thy sake.” Work is a
blessing. Caring for and protecting a
wife and children is a blessing.
Accomplishing a job well done is a blessing. Adam and Eve were blessed
and they came to understand those blessings as they had been given and they
worshipped God in gratitude and joy (Moses 5: 10 -11).
Adam and Eve also were given the
Law of Sacrifice – specifically the sacrifice of a first-born and perfect lamb
which represented the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. We know that they kept this law and taught it
to their children because their son, Able, kept that law as recorded in
Genesis, Chapter 4. That God was
specific as to the terms of the covenant is shown in the fact that He
“respected” Able and his offering of a lamb, but did not respect Cain and his
offering of grain. It wasn’t that Cain
didn’t have a lamb; it was that Cain tried to change the ordinance as given by
God which was a violation of the covenant. God knew that Cain’s intent was not
honest. He knew Cain’s heart.
God’s covenants with Noah are
recorded in Genesis, chapters 6 to 9. The first was that if Noah would build
the ark as God specified and gather the animals according to God’s prospectus,
God would see to it that Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives would
be kept safe within the ark and not be destroyed in the flood.
God’s covenant with Noah is recorded
in chapter 9 of Genesis and is the beautiful promise that God will never destroy the
entire earth by flood again. The token
of that covenant is a rainbow.
Noah’s part of the covenant after
the flood was to continue living the law of sacrifice as given to Adam. The first thing Noah did when leaving the ark
was to build an altar and offer sacrifice to the Lord (chapter 8).
Noah and his sons are also commanded to “multiply and replenish the
earth” (Genesis 9:1)
Abraham also kept the ancient law
of sacrifice. We know that he did
because we first meet Abram (for so was he known at that time) in Genesis 12: 1
and by Genesis 12: 7, we learn that Abram built an altar to God.
Abram entered into a covenant
with God. One of the results of this
covenant was that Abram’s name was changed to Abraham and his wife’s name was
changed from Sarai to Sarah.
The Abrahamic covenant contains
three promises from the Lord: 1) a promise of land; 2) a promise of posterity;
and 3) a promise of priesthood, i.e., Abraham and his descendants would become
a chosen people before God and would be able to perform ordinances in His name.
For Abraham’s part, he was to
continue to keep the law of sacrifice.
He was to worship only one God.
The physical token of the covenant was circumcision of all male children
by the age of eight days. This law and token were to be maintained by Abraham
and his descendants until the Messiah
came to fulfill the law. Orthodox
Jews and Muslims still practice circumcision to this day because, while many of
them accept Jesus as a prophet, they do not accept him as the Son of God or the
The best known story of Abraham
and the law of sacrifice is the story of the binding of Isaac found in Genesis
chapter 22. It is a disturbing story
unless one understands that the call to sacrifice Isaac was a foreshadowing of
the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Abraham,
as the father of the covenant, had to understand at an emotionally deep level,
the sacrifice of the Father in giving His only begotten Son. Isaac, too, had to understand the willingness
of the Son to sacrifice His own life. (See Jacob 4:5 in the Book of
Mormon) In the end, Isaac’s life was spared. Abraham learned that
“God will provide himself a lamb” (Genesis 22:8). He did. That
lamb is Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.
Isaac took part in the renewal of
God’s covenant when he was willing to give his life in obedience to God. So important was the covenant with God that
when Isaac was of sufficient age to take a wife, Abraham sent a trusted servant
to the home of a cousin to find a wife of the covenant for his son. He did not want Isaac to marry outside the
covenant of the Lord. The story of how the servant finds the one the Lord has
chosen for Isaac is a beautiful one found in Genesis chapter 24. Rebecca agrees to marry this man she has
never met and is promised through the covenant that she will be the mother of
“thousands of millions” (Genesis
24: 60).
Jacob was a son of Isaac and
Rebecca. As a young man, he was forced
to flee his home after a fight with his brother, Esau. One night as he was sleeping on the top of a
mountain, he dreamed of a ladder between heaven and earth. Angels were ascending and descending. The
important thing about this vision in the context of covenants is that God
renewed the covenant He made with Abraham and Isaac that night with Jacob on
the mountaintop: land, posterity, and priesthood/being God’s chosen people. Jacob later married and fathered twelve sons,
including Joseph as we discussed earlier.
The Abrahamic Covenant was passed on through Jacob to his sons. Like Abraham, Jacob was also given a new
name: Israel.
God’s chosen people were promised
a specific land (described in Exodus as a “land flowing with milk and honey” [Exodus 3: 8]). They would have
peace and prosperity in the land. They
could grow mighty in the land through their posterity. They would be God’s people
and He would be their God.
Covenants in the Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon is intimately connected with the Bible.
The Old Testament Covenants given to Adam, Noah, and Abraham are
carried out in the Book of Mormon. Lehi was a descendant of Abraham through Isaac,
Jacob (Israel), and Joseph. It is not
surprising that he and his descendants were heirs to Abraham’s covenant.
Jesus Christ and the New Covenant
When Jesus came, it was in part to fulfill the Law of the Old Covenant and to institute a New Covenant or New Testament. The Covenant of Sacrifice was fulfilled in His ultimate Sacrifice upon Calvary. At the Last Supper, He explained that to His apostles and gave them the tokens of the New Covenant, the bread of His broken body and the wine of His blood. This is a renewal of the baptismal covenant that sets our feet upon the road of discipleship.
Text copyright March 2014, Gebara Education
Pictures from www.lds.org
Bread and wine from www.cogoacc.wordpress.com
Monday, February 17, 2014
Faith of the Presidents
Since today is President's Day, and in keeping with yesterday's post of The God of this Land, I consulted Wikipedia this morning for the religious affiliations of our U.S. presidents. I hope you find it interesting.
- Warren Harding
- Harry Truman (Southern
- Jimmy Carter (Southern
- Bill Clinton (Former Southern
- Calvin Coolidge
- John Adams (later Unitarian)
- James Garfield
- Lyndon Johnson
- Ronald Reagan (also Presbyterian)
- George Washington
- James Madison
- James Monroe
- William Henry
- John Tyler
- Zachary Taylor
- Franklin Pierce
- Chester A. Arthur
- Franklin D.
- Gerald Ford
- George H. W. Bush
- George W. Bush (later Methodist)
- James Polk (originally Presbyterian)
- Ulysses Grant (allegedly; his theology is
- William McKinley
- George W. Bush (originally Episcopalian)
- Andrew Jackson
- James Polk (later Methodist)
- James Buchanan
- Grover Cleveland
- Benjamin Harrison
- Woodrow Wilson
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
- Ronald Reagan (also Disciples of Christ)
- Thomas Jefferson
- Abraham Lincoln (also attended Presbyterian services)
Not formally
affiliated with a specific church, but declared Christian
- Andrew Johnson (attended Methodist and
Catholic services)
- Rutherford Hayes
(attended Methodist)
No longer
- Barack Obama (resigned from United Church of Christ during first campaign)
Text from www.Wikipedia.com
Picture from www.mountvernon.org
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