Monday, August 12, 2013

When the Bad Guys Form an Alliance ~ Lamanites and the Priests of Noah

To review, the Lamanite armies had been searching for the people of Limhi, who - you will remember - had given wine to their guards and escaped in the night.  In the course of their searching, they had stumbled upon the wicked priests of Noah.  The priests were being led by a man named Amulon and were living in the Land of Amulon.  Of course, the Lamanites wanted them as much as they wanted the people of Limhi.  They came after them with the intent of attacking.
The Amulonites, being the cowards that they were, sent their women out to plead for them.  Remember, those women were Lamanites, kidnapped shortly after the death of Noah.  But by now several years had passed.  The Nephite priests had married these young women.  Children may have been born.  Amulon thought that if the women pleaded with their Lamanite brethren, they would spare the lives of their husbands and the fathers of their children.  It worked.  The Lamanites did spare them.  The Lamanites took over the Land of Amulon and the wicked Nephite priests joined with the Lamanites.  (See Mosiah chapter 23)
Where is Amulon?

Amulon in one area for which I can find no definitive site.  It could have been anywhere between Kaminalijuyu/Nephi (in the center of the map) and Lake Atitlan (the larger of the two lakes pictured), where Alma settled.  Neither group was settled in the area long enough to build the large buildings found at the many sites in this area.  Those building were done by later Mayans, probably Lamanites, who took over the sites or who had, in many cases, held the sites in the first place.
These Lamanites were still looking for the people of Limhi, but now they also became aware of Alma and his people because Alma and Amulon had been Noahitic priests together.  Amulon probably felt that by betraying the existence of another Nephite party, he would ingratiate himself to the Lamanites and gain favor and, eventually, power.  What happened as a result is a story for tomorrow.
Text copyright August 2013  Gebara Education
Lamanite from an unknown source

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