Sunday, May 8, 2016

God Gave Eve Lives

It is Mothers' Day - a day when we express gratitude for our mothers an all that they have done for us with phone calls, candy and flowers, But as I look at the cards I wonder if we really understand the full gift we receive from our mothers.


I have been teaching cellular biology to our junior high students.  Inside every cell of your body is a nucleus and several mitochondria; the nucleus of the cell contains all of the genetic material passed down through generations of ancestors, male and female.  But the mitochondria (seen below as little "dead pink and purple cockroaches) contain their own DNA coming directly from their mother and the whole female line of ancestors before her.  The mitochondria in each cell contain the divine spark of life.  Without them, the cell could not live.  Neither could we.


Scientist who study cellular reproduction have, at least theoretically, traced all human life via the mitochondrial DNA to one female ancestor.  They call her "Mitochondrial Eve."
God gave Adam life.  God gave Eve lives.  In Hebrew, Adam means "man."  Eve means "mother."  Perhaps that is why Adam chose that name for her even before she bore a child.  She and only she had the potential to give life.
Your nuclear DNA comes from both your parents, but your mitochondrial DNA came only from your mother.  Without her, you would not have that divine spark of life.
Remember that today when you thank your mother for your life

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