In Revelation chapter 12, we are introduced to a red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and the text tells us that it represents Satan. I went back to my source* on the significance of numbers in the Bible. I already knew that the number 7 represents completeness, but whereas earlier it was used to represent the completeness of Christ - His omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence - here it is used to represent the complete evil of Satan.

Earlier in Revelation, we met four beasts who represented celestialized members of the animal kingdom worshipping at God's throne. In Revelation 13, we also meet beasts, but these beasts represent degenerate earthly kingdoms controlled by Satan (Revelation 13: Headnote KJV, LDS Church).
The first beast which comes out of the sea has 7 heads and 10 horns just like the dragon. This is because these earthly kingdoms receive their power to rule from the dragon and are under his constant influence.
The second beast is a lamb with two horns. This, I believe, is the anti-Christ. He masquerades as a lamb, but speaks with the voice of the beast. His 2 horns are interesting and I went back to my source on number meanings, and I quote:
"We now come to the
spiritual importance of two. We have seen that One excludes all difference, and
denotes that which is sovereign. But Two affirms that there is a difference -
there is another; while One affirms that there is not another!
"This difference may be
for good or for evil. A thing may differ from evil, and be good; or it may
differ from good, and be evil. Hence, it takes a Two-fold coloring, according
to the context." **In this context, the number 2 represents a difference from good (the Lamb of God) to evil (the anti-Lamb, as it were.) It receives it's political power from the first beast (the degenerate earthly kingdoms) and it's inspiration from the dragon (Satan) whose words he speaks).
John didn't identify specific kingdoms and people so I am not about to do so here. John's advice was the read between the lines and listen to the Holy Spirit as you look at the political condition of the world. What he wrote was: If any man have an ear, let him hear. (Revelation 13: 9) That is good advice.
* http://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/10.html
** Ibid/2.html
Text copyright Gebara Education Februrary 2013
Picture of the dragon controlling the world from www.sodahead.com
Picture of the image from Daniel 2 from www.pastorkj.wordpress.com
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