Sunday, October 27, 2013

Jesus Christ ~ The Light of the World

The Hope of God's Light
by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency
I have a cherished painting in my office that is titled Entrance to Enlightenment. It was created by a friend of mine, the Danish artist Johan Benthin . . . It is interesting to me that the light coming through the door does not illuminate the entire room - only the space immediately in front of the door. To me, the darkness and light in this painting are a metaphor for life.
It is part of our condition as mortal beings to sometimes feel as though we are surrounded by darkness. . . . 
But even though we may feel lost in the midst of our current circumstances, God promises the hope of His light—He promises to illuminate the way before us and show us the way out of darkness.

Here is a commentary by another blogger - Josh Walles, The Mindful Life Coach - on President Uchtdorf's conference address:

When we are faced with darkness in our lives, both of the external kind, and the darkness that comes from confusion, we can follow . . . process . . .  We educate ourselves on the situation, we make a choice, and then we DO.  There is great power in doing.  Doing has the power to lift our spirits.  It has the power to motivate.  It has the power to empower.  Doing is an incredible principle.  . . . Robert H. Schuller said, “Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly.”  Isn’t that truth?  The simple act of moving helps us to feel empowered.  If we are doing the wrong things, that power stays with us through the discovery of our error and can help motivate us to correction.
There is nothing wrong with planning for the future.  There is nothing wrong with preparing for adverse consequences.  But ultimately, nothing happens unless we DO.  I challenge you to look at your life, and find that thing on the surface that you have been holding back on.  You’ve worried about it.  You’ve anticipated possible negative consequences to it and planned how to avoid them.  There is, however, a lingering fear that something will go wrong…that you’ll fail.
Find that thing. Then go and DO something. Fail. Don’t fail.  It doesn’t matter. Simply DO.  If you fail, there is something to be learned that can help you in the future.  Learn it, then try again by making a different move.  If you succeed, you are that much farther along your path.  Either way, you have become better, smarter, wiser.  No one can ask for more than that.  No one.
Don’t stay in the darkness simply because the light only stretches a few inches in front of you.  Trust that the light will be there when you need it and walk. You’ll be glad you did.
This is one of my favorite Yoda quotes.  Sitting around crying in the dark, waiting for someone else to flip the light switch, is a guarantee that nothing will change.  I have to turn to the light myself.

I do that first by turning to Jesus Christ.  I seek each day to know His will for me that day.  Then, once I know it, I have to do it.  This means putting aside my will, my pride, my fears.  It means recognizing the Light of Christ and seeking to walk within it as His disciple.  It means being willing to walk through darkness, by keeping my eye on His light, however dim it might seem at the moment.

Finally, it means praising Him and giving thanks for His light, for He truly is
The Light of the World.

Text copyright October 2013, Gebara Education
Quote from
Pictures from

Entrance to Enlightenment,
Light of the World,

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