Tuesday, April 18, 2017

America: The Last, Best Hope

I decided to start a new blog in a new format.  It was called Dr. Kathy in the 21st Century at SimpleSite.com.  Unbeknownst to me, I only got eight pages before I had to pay for my own web page.  I actually tried to pay for a page and it always kept kicking me out.  I was so frustrated that I have come back to my original roots on BlogSpot and will be transferring all of my posts to this site.  These post differ from some of my earlier posts as they are more political/historical in nature.  I hope anyone reading them will enjoy.

For years I have struggled with all of the political machinations on the internet, social media, and televsion.  I have tried to avoid getting into the mix, particularly on social media, because I'm too old to argue.  At my age, I want to sit in my recliner or rock on the porch with my great-grandchildren. 

One day, quite recently, I realized that by keeping quiet I was allowing many things that I read and knew to be wrong to go unchallenged.  I personally know over 70 years of American and world history.  Through my father, I can stretch that back to the Great Depression and World War II (during which I was born, by the way.)  I have also been a student of history, particularly the history of this nation and the freedom it represent.  Ronald Reagan once called the United States the world's last, best hope for freedom.  I believe that to be true.  If we fall into anarchy, then where can anyone find safe haven?

I realized that I can speak from experience and from a lifetime of study, and do so in a calm and non-confrontive manner.  I want to add a voice of reason and experience to the dialog.  I am not here to pick a fight with anyone.  There will be readers who disagree with me and that's all right.  But I request that everyone who joins me stays considerate and civil.  Tell me your point of view and I will listen.  We may come to an agreement or we may just agree to disagree.  But we will shake hands as children of God and walk away with our heads high and our dignity intact.

Follow me as I step into the fray of the History of Freedom.

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