Sunday, March 11, 2018

"The Bug" Finally Caught Me!

It is a beautiful Sunday morning, slightly overcast with a little soft rain.  Just the kind of a day I love.

BUT - I am home, in bed, feeling crummy, to put it mildly.

Yes, the family bug finally caught me.  I didn't catch it because I wasn't chasing it!  In fact, I was doing everything I could to stay away.  

But it flies too fast and lands on every touchable surface in the house!

At first, I thought I just had a chest cold, not uncommon for me with my asthma, but when I took into account my symptoms as a whole, I'm pretty sure that it is not a simple cold.  

However, the past two days with my body aches have been so awful that I've craved codeine (and I HATE codeine!)  No such luck.  

I didn't go to the doctor because, at first, I didn't think it was more than a cold and the only cure for that is time and lots of liquids.  By the time it really took hold of me, it was too late for the anti-flu medicine.  So I am doing Advil, alternating with Tylenol, lots of fluids and sleep! I know I must have a fever, because it breaks at night and I have to wring out my pillows.  I guess that's why you have to drink fluids when you're sick - you sweat them all out!

I had a flu shot in the fall, but I've since learned that there is a strain of flu that sneaks past the vaccine.  I guess I got caught by a sneaker!

I'd like to kick it out of my bed and my body!


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