Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A New Heaven and a New Earth

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; (Revelation 21: 1)

Thus, the Apostle John begins his description of the earth in its ultimate glorified and celestialized state.  This is to be the abode of those of the first resurrection (see Revelation 20: 5-6.)  This will be the abode of those who are to be heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ (see Romans 8: 17.) 

Here are a few characteristics of this new heaven and new earth:
No more sea.  Pure rivers of water. 
The seas are salt water.  They are an important part of the earth's eco-system.  Apparently, they will be unnecessary in the new earth.  Instead, the water on the earth will be pure and clear like crystal and will reflect the Living Water of Jesus Christ.

No moon.  No sun.  No night.
There will be no darkness in this new earth.  There will be no moon nor sun.  It will be a new heaven as well as a new earth.  There will be no need for lights from the heavens because, according to John, the Lord God giveth them light. (Revelation 22: 5)

No temple.  Temples are built on earth as places where men can connect to heaven.  Ever since Moses' tabernacle in the wilderness, temples have been the houses of the Lord.  In them, men performed ordinances and established covenants with God.  Because all of that work will have been done, those covenants fulfilled, there will be no need for a temple.  God will reign on this new earth and righteous saints will walk and talk with Him. The whole earth will be the House of the Lord.

The Tree of Life with twelve fruits and leaves which are for the healing of nations. (Revelation 22: 2) While this is an interesting rendition of the Tree of Life, I don't know how literal this verse should be taken.  I am remembering the significance of the number 12 as representing perfection of God's priesthood governance (see posting of January 28, 2013.) 

No curse. This refers to the curse given in the Garden of Eden after the fall.  Men became mortal.  They had to till the ground and eat their bread by the sweat of their brow (see Genesis 1: 19.)  Women were given conception and childbirth (see verse 16.)  All were given death.  In this new earth, these are done away with through Jesus Christ.

So the earth has come full circle.  From the creation and the Garden of Eden to the new heaven and new earth of the Celestial Kingdom, God's promises to His children have been fulfilled.  The Tree of Life, the symbol of Eternal Life, was present in the Garden.  It was to prevent Adam and Eve of eating of that tree and living forever in their sins that they were cast out of the Garden.  It is interesting to me that the Tree of Life motif is found in some form in almost all cultures of the world.  It is not surprising that the Tree of Life will be found in this ultimate and perfect world.

Text copyright Gebara Education April 2013
Picture of new heaven and new earth from multiple sources on the web
Picture of rivers of living water from www.newheavenonearth.wordpress.com
Picture of the tree of life from www.reabear.net


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