Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Establishing a Routine

Seems overly simple, doesn't it?  But when depression creeps up on you, these three things can become more work than they're worth.  It's so tempting sleep too long, skip breakfast, and slop around the house in your p.j.s all day!  I know; I'm guilty of all three lately.  So one of the things I am doing this week is trying reestablish a routine, beginning with the basics.  In addition to the three things above, I am adding fixing my hair and putting on a little make-up.  It is making a difference.

The routine doesn't have to be elaborate, but it should include some sort of to-do list, at least mental if not written.  I check my Outlook calendar in the morning for any appointments or commitments for the day.  That helps me know what my military father used to call "the dress of the day."

My next step is to prioritize my to-do list to get the most important things done first.  When I was working, I was a master at that.  Now I've become a master of procrastination since the most important things to do are not always the things I want to do.  So it's easy to get off target.  My niece posted on her Facebook account last week, "Gobs of homework to do, but Facebook and email keep opening themselves up."  I can relate!

So, mea culpa, I'm not there today.  But tomorrow is another day.  Let's see how that goes.  One day at a time - one hour at a time if necessary - we eat the elephant.

Text copyright Gebara Education April 2013
Picture of daily routine from
Picture of agenda from

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