"Now, as I said concerning faith—that it was not a perfect knowledge—even so it is with my words. Ye cannot know of their surety at first, unto perfection, any more than faith is a perfect knowledge.
But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words.
Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves—It must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me."
Alma 32:26-28.
It doesn't matter the size of your seed. The genetic material to germinate and grow into a beautiful and productive plant is existent in the tiniest carrot seed or the largest bean. What matters is that you plant it and nourish it and do not dig it up and cast it out. The "word" Alma is talking about is the Word of John, chapter one, i.e., Jesus Christ. If we have no more than a desire to believe in His healing power and plant the word in our hearts, He can help each of us grow into someone beautiful and able to fill the full measure of our individual creation. The genetic coding of His Image is within us all. It can swell and become delicious to us.
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