- God addresses the branch of the Church by name.
- God identifies Himself by a common signifier, such as Alpha and Omega.
- God points out the positive things He has noticed about each branch - a compliment.
- God corrects the branch for things they are doing that are leading them astray - a chastisement.
- God makes promises of blessing that will come to those who overcome the world through repentance and faithfulness to His Word.
You can see by the map that the 7 Churches are clustered in a small geographical area not far from the Penal Colony on Patmos Island where John was imprisoned. But there were branches of the Church at Jerusalem and Antioch to the southeast and Corinth, Phillipi, and Rome to the west across the Aegean Sea. I'm sure these and other branches experienced trials and persecution with varying degrees of faithfulness just as the branches that were included in the Revelation. Perhaps John wrote letters of compliment and correction to them at other times, letters that we no longer have. I would love to be there in spirit when all the seals are open and we can see the entire panorama of the world as John did!
* Somewhat of a disclaimer: I am not an ordained minister nor a Biblical scholar. What I am sharing are insights I have experienced while reading and studying the text. If you decide to study the Book of Revelation, do so with a prayerful heart and you will be led to your own insights. The Spirit speaks to each of us individually and addresses the needs of our hearts as only He can know them. By the way, whenever I share something I have learned from a scholar, such as Dr. Draper, I will so note.
Text copyright Gebara Education January 2013
Picture of the 7 Churches from Grace Baptist Church in Decatur, IL @ www.gbcdecatur.org
Map from the Shepherd of the Hills Church @ www.sothi.com
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