Wednesday, October 31, 2012

All Saints' Day Eve ~ The Parable of the Pumpkin

How does it feel to have the atonement applied in our lives?

It’s like being a pumpkin.  Jesus Christ lifts us out of our muddy field and brings us in.  He washes all of the dirt off of us.  (This can hurt if he has to use a stiff brush!)

Then He cuts us open so that he can get inside.  This part can really hurt!

Then, He reaches deep inside and scrapes away all of the slimy things inside of our hearts.  He finds and removes seeds of anger, malice, greed, shame, guilt, doubt, fear, and pride.

Then He puts smiles upon our faces and opens our eyes to see and noses to smell and our ears to hear.

Finally, He gives us new hearts and puts His light inside of us. 

It is then up to us to let that light glow inside for all the world to see.  We can carry that light into the darkest paths of our lives and be comforted. Our hearts will be warmed as will the hearts of any who see us.

Therefore, let your light so shine that others may see and glorify your  Father which is in heaven.

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