Saturday, November 23, 2013

God Knows Their Needs

Bind Up Their Wounds
by President Henry B. Eyring
Speaking to the men of the Church, President Eyring said: We are not told in the scriptures why the Samaritan was traveling on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. It is not likely that he was taking a stroll alone since he must have known that robbers waited for the unwary. He was on a serious journey, and as was customary, he had with him a beast of burden as well as oil and wine.
In the Lord’s words the Samaritan, when he saw the wounded man, stopped because “he had compassion.”
More than only feeling compassion, he acted.
You . . . can have at least three assurances. First, the Lord will give you, if you ask, the feelings of compassion He feels for those in need. Second, He will provide others, like the innkeeper, to join with you in your service. And third, the Lord, like the good Samaritan, will more than recompense all who join in giving help to those in need.
You cannot know all [whom you are called upon to serve] perfectly well, but God does.
My "formal" calling in the Church is to teach the women in my ward once a month.  My "informal" calling is to serve anyone else who is in need and who comes before my eyes and into my heart.
That could become overwhelming.  That it does not is because I understand that I don't know what they need - can't possibly know what they need.  But God does know and perfectly.  All I have to do is stay close to the Holy Spirit and to act when He lays a prompting upon my heart. 
I am teaching tomorrow - a lesson on the redemptive power of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I don't work from notes.  I follow the promptings of my heart.  Although I know the general direction I am going and have prepared a table display and handouts, I may well deviate from the "script" if I feel inspired to do so.  I have done so on several occasions. 
When I feel anxious, I know I have forgotten to pray and do so.

I love the opportunity to serve my Father's children, knowing how much He loves and serves me.

Text copyright November 2013, Gebara Education

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