The obvious key words here are I choose. Life is about choices. We came into this world with what Jefferson called our God-given and inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To me, this means that I am given life at birth, a gift of God and my wonderful parents. Liberty means that I have the right to choose and to pursue my life's goals, dreams, and ambitions. I think sometimes people forget or fail to understand these terms. They think liberty means license, the freedom to do whatever I want without consequences. They also misread Jefferson's trio to say that we are guaranteed happiness by our government. These are false assumptions that can lead only to sorrow. We are not guaranteed happiness: only the right to pursue it.
My life was a gift I didn't earn. But liberty and the pursuit of happiness imply choice. I have my agency. I can choose whatever I want, but in doing so I recognize that I choose the consequence when I choose the behavior. Too many of us blame everyone and everything else for the problems in our lives. Only when we begin to take responsibility can we find happiness. Even when life sends us challenges that are no one's fault, being a responsible person gives us the moral and emotional strength to grow through those challenges and endure with grace.
So this year, I do choose. I choose to be happy. I choose to pray daily. I choose to honor my covenants. I choose to study the scriptures. I choose to take responsibility for my own choices. I choose not to be a victim. I choose not be react, but to act. I choose to submit my will to the Father's will. I choose to seek the guidance of the Spirit and to follow those promptings as they come. I choose to follow the Savior. I choose to love and serve the Lord by loving and serving His children. I choose.
Happy New Year!
Text copyright 2012 Gebara Education
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