Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Comforter

One of the most appreciated roles of the Holy Spirit is that of Comforter.  Many years ago, I was going through a time of great challenge and discouragement. My husband had died; I was living in another state with my three youngest children and living on Carmon's Social Security; I was in graduate school full time and working on a thesis with a very challenging committee breathing over my shoulder;  I had just been betrayed by someone I thought was my friend.  One night, I was so discouraged and depressed, that I could not even formulate much of a nighttime prayer: "God, help me sleep.  In Jesus' name, Amen" was the most I could muster.

About two in the morning, I woke up in great emotional distress.  I was suddenly furious with my false friend and wanted nothing more than to telephone that person and spew anger over the phone lines. Suddenly, the anger was stripped away and I was suffused with a sense of calmness and peace and warmth.  It started filling me up, flowing from the top of my head downward to my toes and I felt as if someone who loved me very much had wrapped me in a quilt and taken me into His arms.  Like a small child, I drifted off to sleep in a cocoon of love.  As sleep began to overtake me, it was as if I heard these soothing words: Do not fret over the loss of one false friend. You have been given the Gift of Love and an ability to give love more than most.  Give your love to those who need it.

When I awoke, I called my mother and shared the incredible blessing with her. I could hear her crying as I described the experience.  When i have finished, I said, "I don't understand why it happened.  I didn't even pray and ask for it."  Mom softly replied, "I know.  I did.  I prayed that you might be wrapped in God's arms."

I have never forgotten that night.  I have also been able to call upon that peace in other trying times of my life.  I can testify to you that I know the Comforter because that is what it felt like: being wrapped in a physical comforter, held by the arms of love.  I strive every day to reach out to those who need love the most.  I find most people very easy to love and know that this is a gift of the Spirit as well.  I often feel the instant experience of Christ's love downloading through me to be delivered to a person who has difficulty feeling His love.  I am humbled and grateful for this gift.

Jesus told His apostles: "I will send unto you the Comforter."  He did so, in that great epiphany described in Acts.  He will still send the Comforter to us as well.  I know, because He sent Him to me on a cold January night when the ice in my heart matched the snow on the ground.  I will always remember and be grateful.

Text copyright Gebara Education, January 2013

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